Extinction Event
A comedy podcast about extinct stuff. Join Melissa & Jack as they attempt to uncover the natural histories of bygone creatures and other things.
Extinction Event
Melissa Thomas, Jack Collier
Season 7
Episode 1
We’re baaaack! Season 7 behbeh. On this episode, the life, death, and aftermath of pop culture's beloved Harambe. Get ready to get deep into the crime scene for this western lowland gorilla. And since this is a show about extinction we’ll also talk about how gorillas are going extinct in the wild, but also how some are doing alright, actually. Let’s do this!
Drop us a note at ExtinctionPod at gmail dot com.
See more crazy AI generated episode artwork at @extinctioneventpod on tiktok
©2023 Extinction Event ©2023 Peglegdeer